Sunday, December 27, 2009

Project Questions

If you have questions about the project over vacation, feel free to email me at:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bill of Rights Project

Here's a great place to start...if you're looking for the actual wording of the amendment, it should be found under "Text." If you read through the article, you should be able to find plenty of Supreme Court cases.

Remember, Wikipedia is a great starting point. DO NOT use it as your only source.

First Amendment
Second Amendment
Third Amendment
Fourth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
Sixth Amendment
Seventh Amendment
Eighth Amendment
Ninth Amendment
Tenth Amendment

Monday, December 21, 2009

This Week in Room 205 - 12/21 to 12/23

Monday - Snow day!

Tuesday - Working on the Bill of Rights project in the library. Homework - project due January 5th

Wednesday - Working on the Bill of Rights project in the library. Homework - project due January 5th

Thursday 12/23 through Sunday 1/3 - Enjoy your Winter Break! Remember, the project is due the Tuesday we get back. Download the CP1 Bill of Rights project or download the Honors Bill of Rights project.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This Week In Room 205 - 12/14 to 12/18

Monday - Periods 4 and 6 - Second Amendment activity and discussion - "The Cartridge Family" episode of the Simpsons. Periods 1 and 2 - Third and Fourth Amendment. Read the Fourth at home for homework, work on Law and Order: Pembroke HS in the computer lab.

Tuesday - Periods 4 and 6 - Chapter 5 Section 2 quiz. Periods 1 and 2 - Begin work on the Fifth and Sixth Amendments. Begin viewing "Twelve Angry Men." Read worksheets at home for homework.

Wednesday - All Periods - Watching "Twelve Angry Men." Be sure to have read through the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

Thursday - Periods 1 and 2 - Finish "Twelve Angry Men." Periods 4 and 6, continue viewing "Twelve Angry Men." Mr Hall will be out working at the Blood Drive in the Auditorium if there are any problems or questions.

Friday - Periods 4 and 6 finish watching "Twelve Angry Men." Periods 1 and 2 will begin working on the Bill of Rights project. Seventh and Eighth Amendments handed out. Download the CP1 Bill of Rights Project Here. Or, you can download the Honors project here.

Monday, December 07, 2009

This Week In 205 - 12/7 to 12/11

Monday - Quiz on Article III of the Constitution. Notes and Discussion on Articles IV-VII. Homework - Study for Articles IV-VII quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday - Quiz on Articles IV-VII. Powers of Congress - Win, Lose, or Draw! Compromises of the Constitution - Great Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise.

Wednesday - How a Bill Becomes a Law - "I'm Just A Bill." Review sheet handed out for Chapter 5 Section 2 test on Friday.

Thursday - The Bill of Rights - The rights of the people. First Amendment notes and discussion. Study for the Chapter 5 Section 2 test tomorrow.

Friday - Chapter 5 Section 2 Test

Thursday, December 03, 2009

This Week In 205 - 11/30 to 12/4

Monday - Presentations on the Signers of the Constitution for Period 4 and 6. Computer lab for Period 1 and 2. Presentations due tomorrow Period 1 and 2.

Tuesday - Presentations finish today. Article I of the Constitution notes and discussion if time remains in class.

Wednesday - Article I of the Constitution - notes and discussion in class. Click here to download the notes sheet. Homework - Study for Article I quiz tomorrow.

Thursday - Article I Quiz. Article II of the Constitution - notes and discussion in class. Click here to download the notes sheet. Homework - Study for Article II quiz tomorrow.

Friday - Article II Quiz. Article III of the Constitution - notes and discussion in class. Click here to download the notes sheet. Homework - Study for Article III quiz on Monday.