Sunday, February 21, 2010

This Week in Room 205 - 2/22 to 2/26

Monday - Lewis and Clark - Conclusions and Review. Honors - Discussion on "Undaunted Courage" Homework - Chapter 6 Section 4, read p210 to p215 and answer questions #1-4 on p215

Tuesday - The War of 1812 - Factors that lead the US to war then, and factors that lead us to war today.

Wednesday - The War of 1812 - Notes and Discussion on the War of 1812. What similarities do we see with the War of 1812 and the War in Iraq / Afghanistan today? Homework - Chapter 6 Review p216 Identifying People and Ideas 1-10 and Understanding Main Ideas 1-4

Thursday - Looking back -Students will examine whether or not the War of 1812 was necessary. Honors - Homework - read Marbury v. Madison . Review sheet handed out for Test on Tuesday.

Friday - Video - "The Presidents - Washington to Madison" from The History Channel

Long term planning - Test on Chapter 6 - Tuesday March 2

Monday, February 08, 2010

This Week in Room 205 - 2/8 to 2/12

Monday - Sharing Lewis and Clark books. What did you find that was interesting? Exciting? Bizzare? Homework - US Map circa 1803

Tuesday - Map review, answers. Video - "National Geographic Presents: Lewis and Clark." Homework - Answer the following question - Assess whether the Lewis and Clark Journey is a massive failure or a tremendous success. Be prepared to defend your answer in class in a debate on Wednesday. Study for the Map Quiz.

Wednesday - Map Quiz, US Map circa 1803. Debate - Lewis and Clark Journey - Massive failure or tremendous success?

Thursday - Marbury v. Madison - party politics and judicial review. Homework - Read Washington's Farewell Address.

Friday - Looking back - Washington's Farewell Address and its reprecutions. Did we follow Washington's advice or not? What has happened in the 10 years since his address that would lead you to believe we have or haven't?