Friday, September 11, 2009

This Week in 205 - 9/14 to 9/18

Monday - Bring books to class. Begin work on colonial timeline in class. Work in groups of two or three. HW - American Nation Chapter 3-1, Read p66-72 answer questions #1-3 on page 72

Tuesday - Handbook discussion with Mrs. Lynch. HW - Amerian Nation Chapter 3-2, Read p73-78 answer questions #1-4 on page 78

Wednesday - Work on colonial timeline in class.

Thursday - Finish Timelines. Great Awakening reading and discussion. HW - American Nation Chapter 3-3, Read p79-84 answer questions #1-4 p84

Friday - Dinner for Eight activity in groups of two. Explain the significance of each "attendee" and determine the best place for them to sit. Be prepared to defend your answer in class.
HW - Culminating activity - Twitter Updates, Facebook Status Updates, Excuse notes for attendees of "Dinner for Eight"